Irrational Number – Proving the square root of 2 is an irrational number

Yes. We are to claim the irrationality of sqrt 2.

We will use proof by contradiction.

Assume that sqrt 2 is a rational number. Then by definition of rational numbers, we may write that

sqrt 2 = n / m

where n, m are integers.

Squaring on both sides: (sqrt 2)^2 = (n / m)^2, or

2 = n^2 / m^2

which leads to 2 m^2 = n^2 (*)

Let us show that (*) cannot hold true.

Method 1.

Let m = 2^p K, n = 2^q L, where p, q are integers, K and L are odd integers.

{If either K or L are even numbers, then factor 2 can be extracted iteratively until an odd number (co-factor) is revealed. }

Bringing m, n in the above forms into 2 m^2 = n^2, then:

2 ((2^p) K)^2 = (2^q L)^2

2^{2p+1} K^2 = 2 ^{2q} L^2 (++)

Let us count the number of 2’s on each side. The l.h.s has (2p+1) of factor 2’s (an odd count of 2), and the r.h.s. has (2q) of 2’s (an even count of 2’s). However, it is well established that for any integer, the prime factorization is unique. Therefore, equation (++) cannot holds. Tracing back, we have to revoke the initial assumption

sqrt 2 = n / m

Therefore, number sqrt 2 is not a rational number.

Method 2.

Note in n^2 = 2 m^2, the right hand side is even, so the left side is also even. This implies that n must contain factor 2. Let n = 2 N, then

2 m^2 = (2 N)^2 — > m^2 = 2 N^2

where the new equation m^2 = 2 N^2 implies that number m must contain factor 2. So each of n, m and N contains factor 2.

This process may be applied in an iterative manner, forever. Consequently, both m and n contains an infinite many factors of 2’s. However, this is not possible as either n or m is a finite number.

You got it?

If you got it, you shall be able to prove that sqrt 3 is also irrational (i.e. sqrt 3 cannot be written as the ratio of two integers.) How? Just use the same idea, but this time, you need to count the number of 3’s.

Irrational numbers: what are they and how to justify

Let us start from rational numbers. If one wants to test whether a given number is rational, then he/she will attempt to write it as the ratio of two integers – this is conceptually applicable. To elaborate, if a number is already in this form, of course it is rational. But to claim the opposite is not that straight forward. How would you show that sqrt 2 (or pi) is irrational? There are infinitely many integers, so the ratios of two integers are infinitely many; if you just show an irrational number does not equal to many such ratios numerically, you made little progress in showing it is irrational.

In mathematics, if one is given an approximate value, then it does not make sense to ask whether the given value is rational or not. The reason is, there are infinitely many rational numbers that are so close to an irrational number (more strictly, we can construct a sequence of rational numbers which converge to, or has limit, to be the given irrational number). For example, consider sqrt 2

sqrt 2 = 1.414 213 562 373 .. ..

and the sequence

{1, 1.4, 1.41, 1.414, 1.4142, 1.41421, 1.414213, .. .. .. }

and the sequence

{2, 1.5, 1.42, 1.415, 1.4143, 1.41422, 1.414214, .. .. .. }

Of the above two sequences, each has the limit as sqrt 2 – which implies you cannot isolate an interval on the real axis to claim, all within that interval are irrational numbers. Between two irrational numbers, there are (infinitely) many rational numbers.

To make it meaningful to ask whether a number is irrational, it must be given in an exact form – two of such forms are radical numbers (like sqrt 2), or an expression that involve well known constant(s), e.g. pi + 2, where pi is the ratio (of a circle): DEFINED as the ratio of circumference to diameter. There are three simple rules that we can resort to for deciding whether a number given (in exact form) is irrational or not, as:

(a) The square root of a non perfect-square number is always an irrational number;

Or: if the square root of an integer is not an integer, then it must be an irrational number.

Example: sqrt 2, sqrt 5

(b) An irrational number added to (subtracted from) a rational number, or multiplied by (divided by) a rational number (the multiplier or divisor is not 0), will always result in an irrational number.

Example: sqrt 2 +1, 3 - sqrt 5

(c) If an arithmetic expression (only add/subtract/multiply/division) involves any count of rational numbers but only one irrational, and that irrational is not reduced to zero by a zero multiplier, then the result will always be an irrational number.

Example: pi + 2, 2 pi -1, {8/5} sqrt 3 - {1/2}, 1/ (3 pi -2)

If we are given a number that is not directly in any of the forms (i) (ii) (iii), then to use these rules, we will have to do some work: try simplifying the given expression while keeping the exact value.

Rule (a) shall be extended (as we shall consider the cubic root, fourth power root etc.) as: for a power root of n-th exponent (n is any integer), if the radicand is not a perfect n-th power number, then the result of this power root must be an irrational number. For example, root{4}{8} is an irrational number (since 8 is not a perfect 4-th power number).

To appreciate those rules, let us attempt the question below. Of the following numbers, which is a rational number, and which is an irrational number?

(i) (root{22}{22})^2, (ii) 2 (root{3}{13}) + {1/2} (root{6}{169}), (iii) 2/ (sqrt 9 + 6), (iv) (root{3}{10}) (4/5)^{4/3}

If you forget the definition of fraction exponent, you may want to quickly review for it. The key to the above question is: among the four numbers listed as (i) (ii) (iii) (iv):

  • (i) (ii) are irrational numbers: (ii) = {5/2} (root{3}{13}), (i) = root{11}{22};
  • (iii) (iv) are rational numbers: (iii) = {2/9}, (iv) = {8/5} .

Suppose an expression results in a rational number. Only a slight change will bring it to an irrational number. For example, 2/ (sqrt 10 + 6) is an irrational number (since the square root of 10 is irrational, which adds to 6 to get a sum, then take reciprocal and then double). See how similar the form is to the given form (iii) !

In the next post, for the first rule — rule (a) — an example (sqrt 2) will be shown strictly as an irrational number (we not only know that rule, but also try to understand why the rule stands true).

Meanwhile, we note the constant pi is defined as a ratio (checking up the definition – if you want), and we say it is an irrational number. Why so? Find the explanation in the next post.



耐人寻味的是这里用到了直角三角形的内切圆,与三边(两直角边和一斜边)分别相切于三点 D,E,F。过这三个切点的半径把圆分成三部分。而每一部分都是对称的!由此首先:

c = (a-r) + (b-r) = a+b – 2r

其中 c 是斜边长,a, b 是两直角边长,r 是这内切圆的半径。


c2 = (a-r + b-r)2

为证勾股定理,余下的就是把上式的右边变化成 a2 + b2. 建立的方法是通过切割面积c2 利用面积相等把切割的小块与 a2 + b2 中的小块完全匹配。(记 O 是内切圆的中心. 注意 D,E,F 是三个切点。)


c2 = (a+b-2r)2

c2 = (a+b)2 – 4r (a+b) + 4 r2

c2 = a2 + b2 + 2ab – 4r (a+b-r)


2 ab = 4r (a+b-r)

即(ab)/2= r (a+b-r). 注意!直角三角形的面积是啥?是 (ab/2). 直角三角形ABC(被过三切点的半径)分成三块:四边形 OFAD,ODBE 还有OECF(正方形):面积分别是 r (b-r), r(a-r), 还有 r2. 加起来,ABC 的总面积不就是 r(a+b-r) ?由此(ab) /2 = r (a+b-r).

之所以说内切圆的使用耐人寻味,是因为在本证明中只是利用切点去分割三角形;割成的三小块:四边形 OFAD,ODBE 还有OECF(正方形)面积都与 r 有关。是不是很有趣?

啊哈! 证明毕。

数学教育:初高中过渡阶段 9-10 年级,基础内容


那么,这阶段要学哪些内容呢?基础的和提高的学习项目有哪些呢?我们来做一个接地气的总体介绍。(接地气的意思,是把包容教育和潜力教育相结合 – 既没假定都是天才,也不耽误有潜力的孩子,让每个学生都在原基础上成长进步:长知识长能力也长解决问题的自信。)


9 年级的核心基础有三点:

一是代数式和简单代数关系(类似y = 2x +3 这样的一次式,或线性),会在坐标系里画一次式图像(一条直线),把文字问题转换成代数关系。比例式,数列猜数等丰富了一次关系。


其三,代数式间做运算和等价变换,为高中打基础。常讲“工欲善其事,必先利其器”,理解或推导中等复杂的代数和函数式,离不开代数变换。乘幂是代数式的基础,要熟练掌握。数和式结合,从数过渡到式,如分数 –〉分式,数的平方根 –〉根式;这些以概念为主。九年级以代数式加减和简单乘法为主,复杂(多项)乘除法,分式和根式变换,那是10 年级内容。

按照北美多数地区的教学大纲,二次式,二次函数和二次方程都是11 年级(Math 20)的内容。唯一的例外是勾股定理一般在8/9年级学习,涉及到平方和与开平方根。但没有求解二次方程的内容。有的老师要求会画出 y = x^2 的图像(限于此,不是一般二次式图像)。

10 年级把以上内容系统化,融汇贯通。对于立体的柱,锥形状,要完整掌握其特征和平面展开图的关系。再比方说一次关系,能把数学式和图像结合起来吗?直线有斜率和截距,怎样在应用问题里识别特征,在图像里读取这些特征,或由特征画图像?再进一步,就是求解多变量的一次方程。和九年级比,问题的综合性强些,要多思考,把两个以上的条件(关系)结合起来。做模型的能力,代数运算和变换的能力这时就派上用场了(要有些针对性训练)。重点是多个变量的线性系统(不要太吓人-其实就是二元一次和三元一次方程),会为应用建模型,然后求解。概念上重要的是函数,要理解“一一对应”,懂得定义域和值域,和函数的表示。

核心不是全部。为突出重点,上面有意略去一些如可能性模型(比方从2 红盒和1蓝盒中随便挑1个盒子),若干应用题模式(如速度距离时间 模型等)。再有,我们周围广泛存在着对称性:要熟悉对称的几何描述及在坐标系里用代数如何描述(这些属于形状主题的延伸)。注意到对称是美的形式,对称性关系也是孩子们的最爱。九年级还会接触到什么叫无理数,和有理数有什么区别这样抽象一点的问题。有理数无理数合到一起就是整个实数轴。

拓展一下,代数式从多项式到分式到根式,概念和方法掌握多少,看各位老师的安排,也看学生的造化,能到什么程度。有些内容还会在十一年级中出现和提高。有些老师安排了求解直角三角形 –只限最基本情况,或者延伸到三维立体中(有仰角俯角等)。在教课时我们也不会忽视这些。至于传统几何证明,现课程中删减较多,但对于准备参加数学挑战或竞赛的学生,仍是必学。我将在关于数学提高内容的介绍中更多聚焦关于几何和“模式”(Pattern)这部分。


最后补充两点:其一,数学是所有科学课程的基础,其方法还渗透到商务和社会研究中。所以值得花些功夫。其二,作为数学学习关键阶段的 初高中过渡阶段,有数学教育者称之为15 岁现象(即15 岁时的数学能力是一个指示器,可预测其一生能够达到的水平)注:凡事不可绝对,但有道理。六岁时算术如神的有后来平平的,而15岁时数学好的优势常可伴随一生。不是说高中不要努力,或者努力没用, 是说高中前下功夫打好基础可收事半功倍之效。–But It’s never too late to learn

Sample Questions for Gauss Contests

Questions chosen from previous Gauss contests
Gauss contests are organized by the Centre of Education for
Math and Computing, University of Waterloo
Problem 1

In the addition shown, P and Q each represent single digits, and the sum is 1PP7. What is P + Q?

(A) 9 (B) 12 (C) 14 (D) 15 (E) 13


Problem 2

In the right-angled triangle PQR, we have that PQ = QR. The three segments QS, TU and VW are perpendicular to PR, and the segments ST and UV are perpendicular to QR, as shown. What fraction of triangle PQR is shaded?

(A) 3 ⁄ 16 (B) 3 ⁄ 8 (C) 5 ⁄ 16 (D) 5 ⁄ 32 (E) 7 ⁄ 32


Problem 3

A box contains a total of 400 tickets that come in five colours: blue, green, red, yellow, and orange. The ratio of blue to green to red tickets is 1 : 2 : 4. The ratio of green to yellow to orange tickets is 1 : 3 : 6. What is the smallest number of tickets that must be drawn to ensure that at least 50 tickets of the same colour have been selected?

(A) 50 (B) 246 (C) 148 (D) 196 (E) 115


Problem 4

Greg, Charlize, and Azarah run at different but constant speeds. Each pair ran a race on a track that measured 100 m from start to finish. In the first race, when Azarah crossed the finish line, Charlize was 20 m behind. In the second race, when Charlize crossed the finish line, Greg was 10 m behind. In the third race, when Azarah crossed the finish line, how many metres was Greg behind?

(A) 20 (B) 25 (C) 28 (D) 32 (E) 40


Problem 5

In right-angled, isosceles triangle FGH, segment FH = √̅8. Arc FH is part of the circumference of a circle with centre G and radius GH. The area of the shaded region is

(A) π – 2; (B) 4 π – 2 (C) 4 π – (1 ⁄ 2) √̅8 ; (D) 4 π – 4 (E) π – √̅8

Number Sense – Activity: Tsunami Numbers in the News

About a decade ago, there was a great Tsunami happening in Asia.
What do you know about the Asian tsunami?

Read through the article first. Use the following numbers to fill in the blanks in the story.Think about which numbers make sense.

500  20  8,000;  2004  110,000  30,000  9.0

A tsunami triggered by a very large earthquake off the coast of the
Indonesian island of Sumatra on December 26, ____, has left
more than 150,000 people dead and millions homeless. Countries hit hardest by the disaster include
Sri Lanka, Indonesia, India, Thailand, and the Maldives. Almost 75% of the deaths occurred in
Indonesia, estimated at ____. Sir Lanka was second highest with about 20% of the estimated deaths, or
______ people lost that day. The rest of the deaths, approximately ____, occurred in the other nine
countries affected by the tsunami.
The ____ foot wall of water, higher than a two-story building,
swallowed entire villages. The tsunami waves were not only very high, they moved at a much faster speed
than normal. These waves were comparable in size to those you see on some of the surfing movies;
but those waves travel at 30 miles an hour, and the tsunami waves
were moving more than fifteen times as fast at ____ miles an hour.
The velocity of the force is what caused the destruction—a massive force that swept away everything in its path.

The earthquake causing this Tsunami was a destructive earthquake measuring ______ on the Richter scale,
the fourth worst earthquake in recorded history. Earthquakes are measured on a Richter scale that has
a range from 0 to 12; a 6.0 on the scale is a pretty bad earthquake.

(Story constructed from January 2005 news reports)

The symbol π — where does it come from?

Where does the symbol π come from?

In 1652, William Oughtred used π to refer to the periphery of a circle (in his expression, the ratio of circumference-to-diameter of a circle is π ⁄ δ, the latter referring to diameter).

In 1665, Jonh Wallis used a Hebrew letter mem(mem) to equal the ratio of one-quarter of circumference to diameter of a circle. (This letter plays the role as of “M” in Latin alphabets, but look how close its shape resembles a quarter of a circle, as well as the Greek letter pi !)

In 1705, William Johns used π to represent the ratio of circumference-to-diameter of a circle (believed to be first use with exactly same meaning as in today) .

From 1736, Leonard Euler, both famous and a prolific writer in mathematics works, spread the use of π in his publications.

Counting from the first relevant use, the symbol π has already had a history of more than 360 years!

Proof: Diameter is the shortest curve that bisects circular area

The picture below actually shows the proof.

The goal is to show the red line (which is supposed to bisect circular area) is longer than the diameter AB’.
We see it from:

Length of red curve AB is greater than: AE + EB = AE + EB’

which is certainly longer than AB.

Just one more minute. Let’s review the construction-proof process.

Connect the two endpoints A, B of the curve by a line segment. Draw diameter CD // AB.

Take O (the midpoint of CD), then passing A and O we get another diameter AB’.

The two arguments needed for completing proof are:

(1) Red line must have at least one intersection with diameter CD; (think like this: if the red line resides completely at only one side, then there is no point that it can evenly divide the circular area) Suppose the intersection is at point E;

(2) B and B’ are symmetric to the diameter CD therefore EB = EB’ (think on why? using the property of circles and parallel lines)

Now the rest of the proof is straight forward.